Strategic Communication

A fresh approach to public relations and advertising.


Excellent preparation for career or grad school.

Strategic Communication: PR & 广告为传统上分开的公共关系和广告项目提供了一种新的途径. 学生完成课程后,将掌握理论与实践知识和技能的基本平衡,以创造和传递针对广泛受众(媒体)的信息, 员工, 客户, 立法者, investors and the community.

Outside the classroom, 加入博彩平台排名活跃的美国公共关系学生协会和美国广告联合会广告俱乐部的学生分会,学生们将从中受益. 会员有机会参与实际客户的公关和广告项目和活动. 此外,学生可以为五喷泉营销和传播机构做出贡献.

在战略沟通的活动是由教师主导的合作研究和服务学习的机会, as well as a vibrant internship program. 每学期, including summer, 实习生在当地和全国范围内的许多营利和非营利组织以及通信公司工作. 印第安纳波利斯为战略传播学的学生提供了一个极好的学习实验室, who often land jobs with the companies for which they intern.

Strategic Communication FAQs

Student Resources & 机会

Learning at 博彩平台排名 doesn’t end in the classroom. 博彩平台排名鼓励学生通过博彩平台排名的体验机会来加强他们的专业知识, via internships and abroad.

1 male and 1 female student with PRSA awards

组织 & 活动

Regardless of which organizations or activities you participate in, you are sure to collaborate with your peers, network with industry professionals, develop your skills and abilities outside of the classroom.

students studying


As a Strategic Communication student, you’ll get hands-on experience starting from day one, whether in the classroom, through your involvement in student organizations, or through internships. 事实上, 学生毕业时至少有一个实习学分,一半以上完成两个或更多.



We live in a global society. 这就是博彩平台排名鼓励学生在攻读战略沟通学位的同时充分利用出国留学机会的原因之一. More than half of majors do just that and still graduate in four years. In addition to University-based programs, 教师带领短期海外学习旅行,通过全球视角探索战略沟通, including to locales such as Shanghai, China and Japan, where students both learn and work while visiting six cities. 几名战略传播学院的校友发现,他们的全球经历对自己产生了巨大的转变,因此他们选择在意大利等地寻求国际职业生涯, 英格兰, 和爱尔兰.

lincoln memorial

Washington, DC Learning Semester

Live, work, take classes in the nation’s capital for a semester. 学生们通过学习外交政策、华盛顿历史和公共艺术课程,同时在政府办公室和机构进行现实生活中的实习,来获得博彩平台排名学院的学分.

Is it what or who you know?

完成战略沟通教师和工作人员支持学生在整个博彩平台排名的时间. 教师还通过邀请当地专业人士来做客座讲座,并与他们的组织合作完成课堂作业和项目,帮助学生认识当地的专业人士.

rademacher classroom